IsoBots: The Origin

2 min readApr 23, 2022


[Chapter 03] record-IP.49.91

“This place looks dustier than when I last left it,” said Dr. M under his breath.

“Yeah, that’s what happens at a spot that looks like it’s about to be left for dead.

Look at this place. The last time someone was in here was probably about 20 years ago.”

“Lets just hope no one’s gotten to take a look inside my old office” the Dr. replied.

They walked through the halls slowly, watching for any cameras or alarms — but the Doctor was shaken by a feeling that something felt… off…

He asked: “Are you sure no one’s been here? It looks… different.”

“What do you mean? You said it yourself. No one’s been here for like 20 years.” replied Ken.

“You saw that light didn’t you?” asked Dr. M.

The two continued up the stairs to the development & testing branch.

“Yeah, I did. Looks like it’s just an extra test Bot that was left around by someone from the engineering team.”

“Interesting,” said the Doctor. “I thought that exit protocol was to transport or destroy.”

“They must’ve been in a rush, doesn’t exactly look like they had the time to sweep the floor.” Said Ken sarcastically.

The Doctor looked around the dark, red hallway — lit only by the faintest of emergency lights at the farthest end.

“Do you remember which one it was?” he asked.

Ken walked forward & glanced at the cracked IsoCom-branded window, grabbing the door handle to his left.

Pulling towards him, he said: “I can’t get in. It’s locked from the inside”.

“What?” asked Dr. M

“I thought you said that they disabled all security functions last year,” said Ken.

“They did. Let me connect my old ledger and check the most recent logs” replied the Doctor.

Stopping in their tracks, the two stared down the hall at what was once the most advanced and vibrant places in the world — reminded of the old memories they shared.

The handle vibrated as the ledger revealed a big red X.

“Locked” said Dr. M. “But that doesn’t make sense.”

Ken grabbed the ledger, in disbelief he gazed at the locked entry message, wondering what could be going on.

“So wait, IsoCom’s security didn’t go offline last year?” he asked.

“It did, this doesn’t make sense.” replied the Doctor.

“Oh shit” said Ken. “But this isn’t their system.”




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